Tony Norman Awards 

These three awards will be offered to the highest ranked abstracts submitted by junior faculty, post-doctoral fellows or graduate students (with the goal of providing one award in each category). Recipients must be conducting either basic or clinical research on vitamin D. To be eligible, candidates must be the first or senior author on a submitted abstract. Junior faculty must be within 5 years of their first independent appointment and fellows within 5 years of their PhD, MD or other doctoral degree. Graduate students must be currently enrolled in a PhD program. 

The major selection criterion is the scientific merit of the abstract. After abstract submission and ranking, competitive candidates will be asked to submit a brief CV and a letter confirming eligibility from their Department Chair or supervisor. The awardees will present their work as a promoted oral communication in a designated session at the 2024 Vitamin D Workshop.  

Poster Presentation Awards

These awards for highly ranked abstracts are for individuals who are still in training, namely undergraduate or graduate students and postdoctoral fellows (including clinical fellows). The recipient must be the first author and presenter of the abstract. Awards will be based on the scientific merit of submitted abstracts. Documentation of training status will be requested in the form of an email from the candidate’s supervisor.  Winners will give a “flash” presentation in the Awards session and a poster at the 2024 Vitamin D Workshop. 


Please note there is no formal application process for these awards, trainees will be notified after completion of abstract ranking if further information is required.

For further information please contact: Dr. JoEllen Welsh,